Dekiston Reshon Blackwell King (38) 517 Water St - The defendant is charged with Endangering the welcore of a child <17. The defendant did commit the offense of Endangering the Welfare of a Child when he knowingly struck the male victim child (DOB: 07/04/17) with a phone charger causing a welt mark to form on the child's back. The defendant was transported to the PSB where he was processed and held due to a request for an Order of Protection by the Child Victim and Victim's guardian. The defendant will appear in Watertown City Court on 02/25/25 at 0900 hours.
Susan Marie Smith (45) 643 Academt St. Apt.#2 - Smith is charged with three counts of Endangering The Welfare of a Child <17. The defndant committed the offense of Endangering the welfare of a child when she intentionally housed her fourteen-year-old juvenile daughter, D.O.B 06/08/2010, in a residence unfit to house a child. Due to deplorable living conditions, the apartment was condemned by codes. The defndant was also charged with Endangering the welfare of a child when she intentionally housed her sixteen-year-old juvenile son, D.O.B 06/27/2008, in a residence unfit to house a child. Due to deplorable living conditions, the apartment was condemned by codes. The defndant is also charged with Endangering the welfare of a child when she intentionally housed her thirteen-year-old juvenile son, D.O.B 05/17/2011, in a residence unfit to house a child. Due to deplorable living conditions, the apartment was condemned by codes. She was processed and issued an apperance ticket for City of Watertown Court.
Paul Ronlad Horning (56) 827 Starbuck Ave Apt.# F - Horning is charged with Disorderly Conduct in the Second Degree. Reports say Horning violated a Stay Away Order of Protection which he had prior knowledge of, having been served in Jeff County Family Court on 1/31/25, when he entered Melissa Horning's rescidence and texted her several times. He was transported to PSB, processed and help pending arraignment.
Matthew James Lamar Askerneese (28) Homeless - Askerneese is charged with Criminal Tresspass in the Second Degree. Reports alledge that the defendant knowingly and intentionally enter the Coleman residence on 131 William St. Apt.# A without permission and remained unlawfully in the dwelling after being asked to leave multiple times. He was transported to CAP Court processed and arraigned. The victim has requested a Stay Away Order of Protection.
Ashley Lynn Carr (34) Homeless - Carr was arrested by New York State Police in the city on an active Executive Bench Warrant for Watertown City Court on the underlying charge of petit larceny.
Dalton William Miles (25) 26696 Boyer Circle, Evans Mills - Miles is charge with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Sustance in the Seventh Degree. Reports state the defdant did knowingly and unlawfully possess three and a half pills with the marking consistent with Alprazolam, a scheduled IV controlled substance, without a perscription. He was processed and relesed with an apperance ticket to Watertown City Court.
Eccron Elizabeth Nieves (38) 808 Franklin St. - Was pulled over on the 200 block of Arlington St and sited with Operating A MV With No Headlights & Aggrivated Unlicensed Operation. She was processed and released with an apperance ticket.
Ravan Rose Frangione (34) Homeless - Rose is charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Seventh Degree. The defendant did knowingly and intentionally possess a controlled substance she had on her person in the form of a medical syringe that contained a liquid substance which tested positive for Fentanyl.
Brittany Nicole Benedict (32) Homeless - Benedict is charged by Watertown City Police with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Seventh Degree & Violation of Probation. Police say the defndant did knowingly and unlawfully posess approximately .5 grams of a white powder substance that tested positive for cocaine. She was processed and issued and apperance ticket.
Jesse Ray Knight (42) 8 Washinton St. - Knight was arrested for Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Seventh Degree. Report alledge Knight with recklesly and unlawfully possess .5 grams of a chunky white substance that field tested positive for cocaine. He was transported to PSB, processed and released with an apperance ticket for City court.