Bobby Lee Searchfield (39) 222 Flower Ave E Apt.#2 - Searchfield was charged at his residence with Burglary in the second degree, Robbery in the third degree & Criminal Mischief in the fourth degree. Reports state the defendant did knowingly enter the victim's apartment at 321 Winslow St. Apt.# B, a dwelling, with the intent to commit the crime of Robbery therein. The defendant did forcibly steal a wallet out of the Victim's pocket during a physical altercation. The defendant also did knowingly and intentionally damage a glass window by pushing through the window and exiting the residence. Searchfield was arrested and transported to PSB where he was processed and held at JCJ pending arraignment.
Emily Kay Thomas (31) 12443 Timber Trail, Adams Center - Thomas was arrested on a Executive Bench Warrant and transported to PSB and held pending arraignment for the original charge of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 7th.
Ashley Lynn Carr (34) Homeless - Carr was arrested on an Executive Warrant of Arrest. She was transported to PSB and help pending arraignment.
Martin Phillip Ludlow (49) 30292 State Route 180 - Ludlow was stopped on the 700 block of Gotham St. in the city and charged with Aggravated unlicensed operation in the 3rd degree, Operating a Motor Vehicle without a license, & Unsafe Backing. He was processed on the scene and released with apperance tickets.
Ryan Patrick Snyder (28) Homeless - Snyder was picked up on the 200 block of N. Rutland in the city on a Executive Bench Warrant. He was transported to PSB, and help pending arraignment.
Matthew James Lamer Askerneese (28) Homeless - The defendant is charged with Criminal Tresspass in the Second Degree. Police say Askerneese did knowingly and intentionally enter and remain unlawfully in a vacant apartment listed at #1506 at 142 Mechanic St. Mid-Town Towers. He was transported to PSB where he was fingerprinted, processed and issued an apperance ticket.
Harold Jay Ellsworth (32) Homeless - Ellsworth was arrested on an Executive Bench Warrant and transported to PSB where he was held pending arraignment.
James Michale Merrifield (55) 907 Water St. - Merrifield was stopped on the 900 block of Leray St. and charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Impairment of Drugs in the First Degree. He was transported to PSB for processing and released with an appearance ticket.
Roseann Mack (24) 1429 Gill St. Apt.# 403B - Mack is charged with Criminal Mischeif in the Fourth Degree. Police reports state that Mack did knowingly and intentionally slap the victim's phone from their hand while the victim was attempting to call 911 for emergency assistance during a domestic incident. Mack was processed and held pending arraignment. The victim has requested a Refrain From Order of Protection.
Kenneth William Steblen II. (41) 42103 NYS Route 12, Alexandria Bay - Steblen was arrested on an Executive Bench Warrant . The underlying charges of Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the 3rd, Improper signal less than 100 ft, & Unregistered Vehicle. He was processed and held pending arraignment.
Shavar Francis Darden (29) 101 Blaine St. Syracuse - Darden was arrested for Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Seventh Degree. Darden did knowingly and unlawfully possess a glassine envelope that contained a white powder like substance that tested positive for fentanyl. He was transported to PSB, where he was processed and released with an appearance ticket.
Matthew James Lamar Askerneese (28) Homeless - Askerneese is charged with Criminal Tresspass. The defendant knowingly entered and remained unlawfully withing Citgo on 610 State St. after being told to leave multiple times. He was transported to PSB, processed & released with an appearance ticket.
Ryan Patrick Snyder (28) Homeless - Snyder is charged with Criminal Tresspass in the Second Degree. Reports state he knowingly did enter 207 Phelps St. Apt.#2, while knowing the building was condemned. He was transported to PSB, processed, & released with an apperance ticket.
Lori Jeanee Horeth (67) 321 Winslow St. Apt.# B - Horeth is charged with two counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child <17. Reports state, while acting as the legal guardian of her juvenile grandsons D.O.B. 04/05/2012 & 05/02/08, did knowingly and intentionally allow their father to stay at their residence with an active Stay Away Order of Protection in place, protecting both juveniles from their father. She was processed a PSB and released with an appearance ticket.
Rodrick Deon Jenkins (38) Homeless - Jenkins is charged with Disorderly Conduct. Police reports state that the defendant on 02/22/25 on the 500 block of W Main St. Jenkins, did on that date did with intent to cause public inconvenience and annoyance, continued to yell obscenities, causing bystanders exiting a business to be come alarmed and have to go out of their way to avoid the defendant. He was transported to PSB, processed, & released with an apperance ticket.
Patrick Allen Armstrong (27) 704 Leray St. - Armstrong is charged with Criminal Mischeif in the Fourth Degree.The defendant, without having the right to do so, did damage a table, valued at $1.00 & a window valued at $100 during a domestic incident at his residence. He was transported to PSB, processed, and held pending arraignment.
Kristina Marie Finney (32) 24619 Gonseth Rd. Apt.#2 - Finney was stopped on the 500 block of Huntington St. and charged with Driving MV with Registration Suspended, Operating a MV without a license, & Failure to Yeild to Right of Way. She was processed on scene and released with an appearance ticket.
Coleen Marie Gilmore (44) 22510 Willowbrook Dr. Apt.# D - Gilmore is charged with Petit Larceny. Police reports state that Gilmore did knowingly commit the offense of petit larceny when she stole the Door Dash delivery of Taco Bell belonging to Emilie Ayres.. She was transported to PSB, processed and released with an apperance ticket.
Alexis Rose Smith (24) Homeless - Smith was arrested in the city on a Executive Bench Warrant. She was transported to PSB for her City Courth Bench warrant of Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance &th and was held at JCJ on an active warrant from Jefferson County Sherriff's Office.
John James Harold Cole (30) 357 W Main St. Apt.#1 - Cole turned himself into police on a Executive Bench Warrant & Arrest Warrant issued by the City of Watertown. He was processed and help pending arraignment.