Jacob Isaiah Tompkins (42) 25265 State Route 3 - Tompkins was charged with Petit Larceny on the 100 block of Woodruff St. The defendant did knowingly and intentionally take merchandise from the Family Dollar totaling $4.50 without making any attempt to pay for said merchandise all contrary to the provisions of the statute in such case made and provided. He was transported to PSB and processed for petit larceny, as well as a City of Watertown bench warrant. He was issued an appearance ticket for this offense, but held for the warrant.
Jakon Ross Gadd (27) 15747 County Route 63 - Gadd was stopped on the 500 block of Arsenal St. and charged with Driving while Registration Suspended & Following Too Close. Gadd was arrested on listed charges, processed and released with two apperance tickets.
Andrea Joyce Herbert (40) 906 Boyd St. - Herbert was stopped on the 700 block of Washington St. and charged with Driving While Registration Suspended, Operating A Motor Vehicle Without Insurance, & Aggrivated Unlicensed Operation. Herbert was processed on scene and released with three apperance tickets.
Ira Lebron Myles (55) 114 Franklin St Apt.# 3 - Myles was arrested at his residence and charged with Petit Larceny. The defendant did knowingly and intentionally steal property when he entered Kinney Drugs1304 Washington St and placed several items in his coat pockets with a total value of $54.34 and left the store passing the point of sale with no intention of paying knowing it was illegal to do so. He was transported to PSB, processed and released with an apperance ticket.
Kaleb Alfred Cripp (21) 307 N Rutland St Upper - Cripp was charged at his residence with Criminal Obstruction of Breathing, Endangering the Welfare of a Child/Acting In Manner Injurious of A Child <17, & 2nd Degree Harassment.The defendant did intentionally impede the normal breathing of the victim when the defendant pushed the victim's face with his hand, covering her mouth and nose while pushing her head backwards during a domestic incident. The defendant also interntionally threw a metal clothes rack in the direction of the the victim and a juvenile female (DOB 01/31/25) which would be likely to be injurious to the physical welfare of the child. The defendant also engaged in a physical altercation with the victim while the victim was holding the child as well as biting the victim's toe during a domestic incident.
Jamal Desiron Robertson (37) 333 W. Lynde St. Apt.#1 - Robertson was charged at his residence with Criminal Intent to Damage Property, Menacing In The 2nd Degree, & Criminal Possession of A Weapon. The defendant did knowingly and intentionally damage a vehicle belonging to the victim when he struck it with a metal baseball bat three times causing a dent in the rear quarter panel knowing it was illegal to do so. The defendant also knowingly and intentionally run up to the victim, approached her aggressively and sated, "okay is the day you're going to die" and "I'm going to kill you" while holding a bat in his hand causing the victim to fear for her safety, knowing it was illegal to do so. Robertson did possess a metal baseball bat when be menaced the victim causing her to fear for her safety, having been previously convicted of PL 220.16 Sub 01 on June 4th, 2019, knowing it was illegal to do so. He was transported to PSB, processed and held pending arraignment.
Dalontae Allen Virgil-Wilkinson (26) 11 Public Sq. Apt.# 504 - Virgil-Wilkinson was arrested at his residence on a Bench Warrant on 2/17/25 at 6:11 P.M. He was transported to PSB and processed and held pending arraignment.
Deborah Emily Smith (49) 828 Holcomb St. - Smith was stopped on the 300 Block of Holcomb St. and charged with Driving While Registration Suspended. She was processed on scene and released with an apperance ticket.
Evelyn Mariah Glover (45) 491 Poplar St. - Glover was charged on 2/12/25 with Driving While Intoxicated (1st Offense), Leaving The Scene Of A Property Damage Accident, Unsafe Lane Change, & Aggrivated DWI. She was transported to PSB and released with four apperance tickets.
Desiron Jamal Robertson (37) 333 W Lynde St. Apt.#1 - Robertson was charged at his residence with Petit Larceny. Robertson intentionally stole a Blink Security Camera, valued at $59.99 from a residence and refused to return the property. He was transported to PSB, processed and released with an apperance ticket.
Johnathon Thomas Boone (31) 12377 Crescent Dr. Chaumount - Boone was pulled over Sunday morning at 12:30 A.M. and charged with DWI in the First Degree, Aggrivated DWI, & Driving The Wrong Way Down A One Way. His breathalizer revealed a BAC of .20% which carries an "Aggrivated" charge for being well over the State's legal limit. He was processed and issued three apperance tickets.
David Charles Vanderburg (54) 449 Cross St. - Vanderburg was pulled over on the 200 block of N. Massey in the city and charged with Aggrivated Unlicensed Operation, Circumventing/Operating Without Interlock Device, Ill Used of Signal While Parked.The defendant was processed on scene and released with three apperance tickets.
Jeremiah Joseph Haley (66) Homeless - Haley was arrested on the 200 block of N. Massey on Sunday and charged with Criminal Tresspass in the 3rd Degree & Resisting Arrest. Haley, did knowingly and intentionally remain unlawfully inside the Colonial Laundromat, after being advised to leave several times by staff and threat of arrest from uniformed patrol officers. When taken into custody the defendant then began to resist and pull his hands away from officers. He was transported to PSB where he was processed and released with an apperance ticket.
Brian Scott Dick (55) Homeless - Dick was arrested Saturday on the 500 Block of State St. on a Family Court Arrest Warrant at 8:50 P.M. and taken to PSB where he was processed and turned over to Jefferson County Sherriff's Office