Peter Michale Nelli Jr. (37) 112 Court St Apt.#3 - Criminal contempt in the first degree. Nelli was arrested at 322 Phelps St in the City of Watertown, when in violation of the provisions of a Jefferson County Family Court order of protection (order # 305-24 issued by Judge Renzi and expiring on 04-11-2025) with the intent to harass, annoy or alarm the protected party he shoved Jessica Munson.
Burglary in the second degree. Nelli committed burglary when he knowingly entered and remained unlawfully in the dwelling of 322 Phelps Street with the intent to commit the crime of larceny by stealing a pack of cigarettes therein. Endangering the welfare of a child. Nelli did this when he knowingly acted in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental or moral welfare of a 4 year old female child (DOB 09-05-2020) when he shoved Jessica Munson into that child causing that child to fall into a door and strike her head putting the child in danger of physical harm. Petit larceny. Nelli did this when he resched into Jessica Munson's purse and attempted to steal a pack of cigarettes. Nelli was arrested and transported to PSB where he was held for arraignment.
Wesley Bisel Bryant Butler (32) - 217 E Main St. - Criminal Contempt in the first degree. Wesley B. Butler, did knowingly and intentionally disobey a valid refrain from order of protection, issued by Honorable Judge Eugene J. Langone Jr. out of Jefferson County Family Court, order #2024-001027, expiration 06/03/2025, when he intentionally placed the protected party, Paige Lalonde, in reasonable fear of physical injury, serious physical injury and/or death when he communicated a threat over a voice mail that he would kick the victim in the face and bring a loaded gun to her location. Aggravated harassment in the second degree. Wesley B. Butler, did knowingly and intentionally send a voicemail message to the female victim threatening he would come to the residence she was located, kick her in the face and come with a loaded firearm, placing the female victim in fear for her life.
Kendra Lynn Rossignol (35) S James St. Carthage - Rossignol was charged on the 500 Block of State st. at 9:54 p.m with a Right of Way violation for failure to yeild to persons in crosswalk, Moving Violation for Operation while registration suspended, & Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle in the 3rd degree. The defendant was arrested, processed and released from the scene with 3 appearance tickets.
Nicholas Patrick Gullo (32) 816 Coffeen St Apt.# 4 - Criminal Mischeif in the third degree. Gullo did knowingly damaged the passanger side mirror of a 2018 Dodge Ram belonging to Aaron Brown, with the total amount of the damage to the vehicle being $366.00 Gullo was transported to PSB, processed and released with an appearance ticket.
Darnell Ernest Gardner (45) 650 Bronson st. Apt. # 2 - Aggravated Unlicensed Operation. Gardner was arrested on the 100 block of Winthrop st. for Aggravated Unlicensed Operation. He was arrested and released on scene with an appearance ticket.
Peter Michale Nelli Jr. (37) Homeless - Criminal mischief in the fourth degree. Nelli was observed throwing an art easel up the stairs several times until it was destroyed. The defendant also damaged a black light by throwing said item, causing it to shatter. Menacing in the second degree. Nelli did commit menacing in the second degree when, during a domestic incident, he held a mallet over his head and threatened to kill Jessica Munson placing her in reasonable fear of physical injury causing her to jump back and flee. Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree. Nelli did commit Criminal Possession of a weapon in the third degree when, during a domestic incident, he possessed a mallet and threatened to kill Jessica Munson while holding the dangerous instrument over his head at an extremely close distance. The defendant does show a previous conviction dated on 8/1/2024 from the City of Watertown Court for Criminal Contempt in the second degree. Endangering the welfare of a child. The defendant did commit endangering the welfare of a child when he, during a domestic incident, threw an art easel towards a four year old female toddler several times. Criminal contempt in the first degree. Nelli violated a stay away refrain from order of protection issued by Jefferson County Family Court, by entering the protected party's residence and held a mallet over his head and threatened to kill the protected party placing her in reasonable fear of physical injury causing her to jump back and flee. Burglary in the second degree. The defendant did commit Burglary in the second degree when he knowingly and unlawfully entered the dwelling of Jessica Munson and menaced her by holding a mallet over his head and threatened to kill her which placed her in reasonable fear of physical injury causing her to jump back and flee.
Hayle Jordan Booth (24) 504 Mundy St. - Booth was arrested on the 200 block of Mill St. at 5:01 P.M. on 02/05/25 and charged with MV Violation - Registration Suspended & Operating a MV without an Inspection Ticket. She was processed on scene and issued several appearance tickets.
Davone Quintaravs Glover (26) 313 Eagle Ave. Philadelphia, N.Y. - Glover was pulled over on the 500 block of Cooper St. and charged with DWI - 1st Offense & Aggravated Unlicensed Operation. He was arrested and released with two appearance tickets.
Alicia Deanne Descar (40) 414 Lakeview Dr. Dexter, N.Y. - Descar was pulled over on the 300 block of W Hoard St. and charged with DWI - 1st Offense & Aggravated DWI. She was arrested and recieved two appearance tickets.
Shelby Alexis Powless (30) 8396 Middle Rd. Dexter, N.Y. - Criminal contempt in the first degree. The defendant did commit Criminal Conternpt in the first degree when she violated a stay away order of protection out of Jefferson County Family Court order #2025-003, when she was att it the residence of the protected party, Michael Shephard, and threatened to stab him during a domestic incident. Harassment in the second degree. The defendant did commit harassment in the second degree when she threatened to stab Michael Shephard during a domestic incident. Criminal contempt in the second degree. The defendant did commit Criminal Contempt in the second degree when she violated a stay away order of protection out of Jefferson County Family Court order #2025-003, when she entered the residence of the protected party, a one year old male born on 01/18/2024.
Michael Stephen Shepard (43) 361 W. Main St. - Endangering the welfare of a child <17. The defendant did knowingly act in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental and moral welfare of a one year old male born 01/18/2024, when he intentionally allowed Shelby Powless to be in the residence and in the presence of the child knowing the child is the protected party of a valid stay away order of protection out of Jefferson County Family Court, order #2025-003.
Amber Lynn Dickson (38) 1620 Huntington St Apt.# 7 - Dickson was stopped on the 300 Block of High St. on 02/02/25 at 9:11 P.M. and charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the 2nd Degree: 3> Suspensions, Loud or Modified Exhaust System, Improper Plates, Driving while Registration Suspended. She was processed on scene and released with 4 tickets for appearance.
James Dabrill Johnson (42) 25155 William St Calcium, N.Y. - Johnson was pulled over on the 300 block of Factory St. and charged with Aggravated DWI, DWI 1st Offense, No/Inadequate Headlights, Operating a Motor Vehicle with No License. He was arrested and releases with 4 appearance tickets.
Cassandra Lynn Premo (36) 644 Leray St Apt.# 2 - Premo was pulled over and charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the 3rd Degree & Improper left turn on a two way road on 02/02/25 at 12:30 A.M. She was released with 2 appearance tickets for 02/28/25.
David Joseph Parkis (59) Homeless - Disorderly conduct. Parkis did commit the violation of disorderly conduct when he created unreasonable noise, while in the back yard of 649 Bronson St, by yelling and screaming, causing surrounding neighbors and the home owner of 649 Bronson St, to become annoyed. He was arrested and released with an appearance ticket.
Jordan Patrick Ashley (27) 30660 State St. Felts Mills, N.Y. - Ashley was arrested on the 500 block of Water St. in Watertown on a Bench Warrant. He was transported to PSB, processed and held at JCJ pending arraignment.
Peyton Hunter Edge (30) Homeless - Edge was charged at 50 Public Square with DWI - 1st Offense & Aggravated DWI. She was transported to PSB where she was processed and released with two appearance tickets.
Romell Anthony Kentish (25) 629 Cooper St. Apt.# 2 - Robbery in the third degree. The defendant did commit the offense of robbery in the third degree when he forcefully took a cell phone belonging to the victim, Ashley N Kentish, out of her hand while restraining her to her bed during a domestic incident. Unlawful imprisonment in the second degree. Kentish committed the offense of unlawful imprisonment in the second degree when he physically restraining the victim, Ashley N. Kentish, by grabbing her by preventing her from getting up during a domestic incident. yher arms and neck while in her bed and held her down. Criminal contempt in the first degree.The defendant committed the offense of criminal contempt in the first degree by knowingly violating the valid stay-away order of protection (2024-000197) issued by Honorable Judge Swartz of Watertown City Court on October 18, 2024. The defendant with intent to harass the victim he physically restrained the protected party, Ashley N. Kentish, and stole her phone during a domestic incident. Criminal mischief in the fourth degree. Kentish did commit the offense of criminal mischief in the fourth degree when, having no right to do so, nor reason to believe he had such right, he unlawfully took a cell phone belonging to the victim, Ashley N Kentish, out of her hand, thereby preventing her from contacting law enforcement during a domestic incident.
Tajjuan Malik Dunlap (24) 126 Union St. Apt.# 2 - Dunlap was stopped on the 600 block of Pearl St. in the city and charged with Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the 3rd degree, Saftey Glass/Equipment Violation, & Circumventing an Interlocking Device While Operating a Motor Vehicle. He was transported to the PSB where he was processed and turned over to PMO.