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No, 'White Supremacy' is not to blame for Tyre Nichols death
Defeating the same tired narrative time and time again
February 03, 2023
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CNN's Van Jones' ridiculous OP-ED on Tyre Nichols' death

Question: What do you call the beating of a black man to death by five black police officers, in violation of their oaths, their duties, and all respect for the sanctity of human life?

Answer: White supremacy.

Unfortunately, I’m not kidding. In an article for CNN on Friday (1/27/23), political commentator Van Jones argued that the murder of Tyre Nichols showed that “it is time to move towards a more nuanced discussion of the way in which police violence endangers Black lives” and , in particular, time to understand that “one of the sad facts about anti-Black racism is that we, Black people themselves, are not immune to its pernicious effects”. “In the end,” wrote Jones, “it is the race of victim violated — not the race of the violent officer — that is most relevant to determining whether racial bias is a factor in police violence”.

Van Jones Op-ed on 1/27/23 on


Last Saturday's edition of the New York Times(1/28/23), Clyde McGrady has given a myriad of quotes to support this notion. Nichols’s death, suggested McGrady, “brought into focus what many Black people have said and what is often ignored in cases of police violence involving white officers and Black victims: that the problems of race and policing are a function of an ingrained police culture. aggression and dehumanization of Black people, rather than interpersonal racism”. Defending the same thing more directly, Democratic Representative (from Florida) Maxwell Alejandro Frost tweeted: “It doesn’t matter what color the cops are. The murder of Tyre Nichols is anti-Black and the result of white supremacy.”

Rep. Frost's tweet, later deleted, about the death of Tyre Nichols. (Screenshot)


Little is gained by euphemisms at a time like this, so I’ll be as blunt as possible when I say: This is nonsense. Look at the flowchart constructed by the people interviewed by Van Jones, Maxwell Alejandro Frost and Clyde McGrady, and you will immediately notice that, with their approach, there is no situation in which the death of a black American not be considered a product of white supremacy. If police officers knowingly act in the name of white supremacy, it is white supremacy. if the cops not consciously acting in the name of white supremacy is white supremacy. If the cops are white, it’s white supremacy. if the cops not are white, it’s white supremacy too. No matter what the input, or the details, the result is always the same: white supremacy. This is not logic; this is magic.

Worse yet, it is a theory that treats black Americans as if they are inferior citizens who cannot be held to the same standards as everyone else. If you believe, as you should, that all people are equal, then you cannot consider some of them mere automatons when it is politically expedient to do so. To recognize a person’s intrinsic equality is to fully accept his capacity for good and evil, without asking for special treatment, without making vague appeals to his “culture,” and without offering excuses for his conduct when you would condemn someone of a different race. unequivocally for the same behavior.

Barrington Martin II, a former Democratic congressional candidate in Georgia, responds to Van Jones via Twitter.


I’m afraid there isn’t much important difference between what Van Jones and co are saying in (indirect) defense of the five Memphis police officers and what bigots of the past were saying against treating nonwhites as full members of society. Of course intention is different. But, at root, both cases hinge on the same horrendous implication, that the behavior of black American citizens is beyond their control. I do not believe this. The five cops who killed Tire Nichols did something horrible, and that’s right. why I believe in their full and irrevocable equality that I intend to judge them unreservedly for having done so. These men are my peers and should be treated as such.

What is the alternative? In fact, there are quite a few.

The first is that the five police officers must be treated precisely the same as a self-declared white supremacist. If, as has been claimed, the actions of the five men were indeed spurred on by the “pernicious effects” of “anti-Black racism,” then presumably the men should be charged with hate crimes, just as a white police officer would be charged. in a similar situation it would be. In his column, Jones proposes that “it is the race of victim violated — not the race of the violent officer — that is most relevant to determining whether racial bias is a factor in police violence”. Well, if we follow that thought to its logical implication, we must surely conclude that the victim was a specific target. for being black, and that police officers are therefore guilty of discrimination. And if that’s the case, then why not accuse them of it? Of course, we wouldn’t want to have a situation where the police officer’s race doesn’t matter. except to the end of his punishment.


A screenshot from video released by the city of Memphis shows police officers talking after the attack on Tyre Nichols. (Credit: City of Memphis)


The second alternative goes in the opposite direction. If, as McGrady proposes, our “problems of race and policing are a function of an ingrained police culture of aggression and dehumanization of Black people, more than interpersonal racism,” then the officers in this case must be victims, too. And if the officers in this case are victims as well, they certainly should be treated leniently by the courts. The purpose of talking about “embedded cultures” is to dispel some of the responsibility for the specific wrongdoing. It would be unfair in the extreme to identify a large and widespread conspiracy behind such a misdeed, and then treat the scapegoats who bear direct responsibility for this misdeed as if they were the sole architects, wouldn’t it? And if, in fact, “white supremacy” permeates American police culture, rather than just motivating the decisions of independent individual officers—if this “white supremacy” is the villain, no matter what individual officers are thinking—then surely we should extend the same tolerance to white police officers who find themselves in the same situation?

To my ears, both alternatives sound ridiculous and grotesque. With the notable exception of insanity—a condition that can apply only to individuals, never to groups—our culture and laws are built on the assumption that all men are created equal and that, regardless of their unchanging characteristics, all are endowed with equal capacity for love, hate, benevolence, greed, altruism, selfishness, ambition, selflessness, bravery and cowardice. When we abandon this principle—as too many people seem tempted to do—we enter the realm of reservations, conditions, mysticism, pseudoscience, sophism, and whimsy, from which there is no escape, and from which no good can come.

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NY Transgender Athlete Competes Alone in Women’s 400-Meter Race as Female Athletes Take a Stand

Staten Island, N.Y. -- A transgender athlete who has been breaking women’s records for years ran unopposed in the 400-meter race at the USA Track and Field (USATF) Open Masters Championships on Saturday. Camden Schreiner, who identifies as "Sadie," was the only competitor in the women’s 400-meter dash in Staten Island, New York, after the other athletes listed for the event refused to compete.

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Camden Schreiner who identifies as "Sadie"  transgender athlete Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) was forced to compete alone in a bold statement, refusing to compete against a biological male in a female division.


Forcing young female athletes to compete against a biological male with a clear physical advantage is not only unfair but also fundamentally wrong. The basic premise of women's sports is to provide a level playing field, acknowledging the inherent biological differences between men and women. Schreiner, as a male athlete, has greater muscle mass, bone density, and strength—factors that give an undeniable advantage over female competitors. Expecting teenage girls to compete under these conditions disregards the very principles of competitive integrity and equal opportunity that women's sports were created to protect.

Schreiner did face competition in the women’s 200-meter dash, where he secured first place against five teenage girls ranging from 14 to 18 years old. However, the refusal of competitors in the 400-meter race underscored the frustration felt by many female athletes.

USATF’s policy permits male athletes to compete in women’s categories, citing compliance with International Olympic Committee regulations. The organization asserts that athletes must meet "certain medical benchmarks" before being allowed to compete in a gender category different from their biological sex. According to USATF, the policy is designed to ensure fairness in competition while also maintaining the privacy of transgender athletes who seek eligibility.


Schreiner set facility records in the women’s 200-meter dash with a time of 24.50 seconds and the women’s 400-meter dash with a time of 55.91 seconds. These times also set new program records for RIT.


Schreiner has drawn widespread attention for repeatedly breaking women’s records over the past two years. In January 2024, he set new school records at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in the women’s 200-meter and 300-meter sprints. More recently, in January 2025, Schreiner dominated the Brockport’s Rust Buster event, setting facility records in the women’s 200-meter dash with a time of 24.50 seconds and the women’s 400-meter dash with a time of 55.91 seconds. These times also set new program records for RIT. The school later named Schreiner "Female Athlete of the Week."

The inclusion of transgender athletes in women’s sports continues to stir controversy, with many former female athletes voicing their concerns. Ashley Keleher, a former track star at Colby-Sawyer College, condemned the current state of women’s athletics, calling for an end to policies that allow men to compete in female categories. "Please stop this nonsense," she stated in response to Schreiner’s continued success in women’s competitions.


Schreider is listed in the 2024 season as 2x All-American during the outdoor season, Liberty League Champion in the 200 (24.14) and 400 (55.07 PR/LL Record), Atlantic Region Outdoor 200 Champion (24.57), ranked first in the Liberty League in the 200 and second in the 400, as well as setting program records in the 200, 300, 400 during the indoor season before running program records in the 200 and 400 during the outdoor season all previously records held by Biological women at RIT.


A recent poll released by New York Times/Ipsos, found that 79% of American respondents did not believe transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s sports, while only 18% said they should be allowed to participate.

However, Senate Democrats blocked a Republican-backed bill that sought to ban transgender athletes from competing in women’s and girls’ sports at federally funded schools and educational institutions.

The bill failed to advance in a 51-45 vote. While Republicans hold a narrow 53-seat majority, most legislation requires 60 votes to pass, meaning some measures can only succeed with Democratic support.


Democrat Senators voted in solidarity, not a single one voting for the  protection of the rights of biological women and girls in sports.


Despite the growing backlash, Schreiner enjoys full support from his school and head track coach. His school bio highlights his achievements, describing him as a two-time All-American and an Atlantic Region Outdoor Champion. Additionally, he has been celebrated in media outlets, receiving recognition through photo shoots and favorable coverage from publications such as The Washington Post.

As debates over transgender participation in women’s sports intensify, female athletes are beginning to take a stand, refusing to compete under policies they believe undermine fairness. The young women who opted out of racing against Schreiner sent a powerful message, one that continues to fuel discussions about the future of women’s sports in the era of evolving gender policies. Their decision highlights the need for a reassessment of these policies to ensure that female athletes are not forced into inherently unfair competitions that jeopardize their opportunities and hard-earned achievements.


A list of "NAYS" clearly showing not one Democratic Senate member voted in favor of protection for women & girls sports.


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